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I am Niki Slawinski.

I am brand strategist.  I love strong brands and I love to make them even stronger. Strong brands are clear in their positioning, relevant to our society and vital in their activities. Strong brands are emotionally connected to their audience through memories.

I am Head of Corporate Branding at the global creative agency Dragon Rouge at the Hamburg office (Germany). At Dragon Rouge, I work in international teams to support global corporate brands in re-branding processes and on the path to digital transformation.

I am Digital Business Native. With my first self-created and tracked HTML homepage in 1999, the co-founding of an online agency in 2003, and 25 years in the creative & digital industry, I think 100% in digital possibilities.

I am publisher. With my Master's degree in Communication Science, Economics and German Studies and my professional expertise as background, I publish my thoughts on branding as as speaker, author and lecturer at several universities.

Niki Slawinski

Photo by Anatol Kotte

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